
Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

  Sexual Reproduction It is the most extented and important way of reproduction between living beings.Its characterized for the production of sexuall cells or gametes. In the sexual reproduction is necessary two individuals, a female individual and male individual. The three stages of sexual reproduction: -Gametes Production They are multicellular beings,gametes are fomred in specialized organs.For example in animals, the organs that produce gametes, the testicles are male gonads form sperms, the ovaries are the female that form ovules. -Fertilization It's the union of different sex gametes, this union occurs, a unique cell called zygote or egg is originated by the fusion of gametes. -Develompent The zygote is divided and forms and embryo that is the new being in the first stages of his development. The cells embryo continue dividing and trasforming and origin to a new individual. Asexual Reproduction This is when an individual living being produces offspring without the participat...

Cellular Reproduction

 Cellular Reproduction It use for reproduction and the perpetuation of species. It's a cyclic process destined to cell production and they can be specialized and differentiated inside the individual The Cellular cycle The cellular division is donde trough the cellular cyclic in which materials needed for a new cell are replicated and distributed. In order for a structure to divide itself in two identical ones, it has to be duplicated, that means, all its components repeated and separated in differentiated structures. We have three key moments: -Interphase -Cellular division -Cytokinesis Interphase The cell spends most of its life in this phase.In it,the preparations for cellular division occur. They have 3 sub-stages: -G1:growing -S: synthesis  - G2: cell is ready for celullar division Cellular Division: Is composed of two parts: The nucleus division (karyokinesis or mitosis) and the cytoplasm division (cytokynesis)